
Primley Wood Primary School



The curriculum has been designed to empower pupils with virtues that enable them to excel academically and spiritually inspiring them to serve humanity selflessly, with an abundance of love, compassion and forgiveness.



Our curriculum is constructed around our vision to ensure we remain:


Faith-inspired: learning from the wisdom of religion

At Primley Wood we aim to foster holistic growth and character development. We focus on nurturing compassionate, responsible human beings who aspire for excellence in all aspects of life. Exploring religious wisdom allows pupils to respect diverse faith traditions and the beliefs of those without faith.


Virtues-led: We aim to develop pupils to become compassionate, responsible human beings

This is done through promoting virtues which we believe form the foundation of all goodness and prepares children for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is carefully enriched to allow experiences where our pupils, teachers and parents alike learn to grow through a conscious focus on virtues. Our virtues-led education approach helps to provide guidance to enable pupils to understand their choices in order to help lead better lives. Our pupils become self-reflective and flourish; they are able to build strong, meaningful relationships and understand their responsibilities to the wider world.


Aspiring for Excellence: in all that we do.

Our pupils and staff alike aim to become the best human beings they can possibly be, in all aspects of spiritual, social, intellectual and physical life. We foster a school culture which inspires optimism and confidence, hope and determination for all to achieve their best possible. This is accomplished through a rich and challenging curriculum, along with excellent teaching to nurture awe and wonder. Pupils gain a breadth and depth of knowledge and a love of learning to achieve their full potential.



The curriculum at Primley Wood Primary School has been carefully crafted to be broad, balanced and stimulating, giving every pupil the opportunity to be knowledgeable, multi-skilled, highly literate, highly numerate, creative, expressive, compassionate and confident people. 


We believe that pupils deserve a creative and ambitious mathematics curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for everyday life and future employment. The curriculum is necessarily aspirational, focused on excellence and on securing in all learners a love of learning through the acquisition of knowledge and an understanding of the world around them.


Our pedagogy is based on a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics.  We believe in variation to develop a deep and holistic understanding via procedural fluency and repetition of key facts to free up working memory. The concepts in the curriculum are interleaved to ensure that pupils revisit previously learnt concepts in order to build new learning upon this.  Within lessons, concepts are broken down into small, connected and structured steps enabling application in a variety of contexts. We will use manipulatives and multiple representations to build and scaffold learning.  Teachers plan intelligent questions into their lessons to check for pupil understanding and marking of pupil work informs teachers’ planning.  Pupils develop a growth mindset through our mathematics curriculum enabling them to be resilient when they make mistakes.


Curriculum Implementation:


At Primley Wood, pupils follow the National Curriculum programme of study which ensures that our pupils cover a wide breadth of mathematical concepts.  The key strands which are covered in our curriculum include:


  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Geometry
  • Measure
  • Probability
  • Statistics


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Subitise up to 3.

Counting accurately to 5.

Composition of numbers up to 3.

Comparing two sets of objects.

Match sort, compare amounts

Circles and triangles

Counting and representing numbers to 5.

Understand “whole” and “parts and find ways to compose and decompose up to 4.

Counting sequence to 10.

Recognise numerals to 5.

Compare size, mass & capacity

Exploring pattern

Shape with 4 sides


Recognise numerals to 5 and match to quantities.

Recognise when you have one more and one less than an amount.

Comparing mass

Comparing capacity

3D shape pattern

Representing numbers up to 8 in different ways.

Understand the “5 and a bit” composition of numbers 5 to 8.

Spatial reasoning- 

Match, rotate, Manipulate

Spatial reasoning - 2

Compose, decompose


Visualise and understand doubles.

Make and describe double patterns.

Begin to understand odd and even.

Length & height


Positional language

Spatial Reasoning – Visualise and build

Subitising up to 6.

Subitise double amounts represented on a tens frame.

Identify the “missing part”

Follow the rules to play simple track games.

Spatial Reasoning – Mapping

Patterns and relationships

Year 1

Place value (within 10)
Addition - Subtraction


Addition - Subtraction Geometry: Shape

Place value (within 20)



Place value (within 20)

Addition & Subtraction
Place value (within 50)


Length and Height

Weight & Volume

Weight & Volume

Multiplications & Division


Position and Direction

Place value (within 100)

Year 2

Place value


Properties of shape

Multiplications & Division

Length and Height

Length and Height

Mass, Capacity and Temperature



Position & Direction

Position & Direction


Year 3

Place value




Length & Perimeter



Mass, Capacity and Temperature

Mass, Capacity and Temperature




Properties of shape


Year 4

Place value
Addition - Subtraction




Length & Perimeter






Properties of shape

Properties of shape

Position and Direction


Year 5

Place value
Addition – Subtraction
Multiplication – Division


Multiplication – Division


Decimals & Percentages

Perimeter & Area


Perimeter & Area


Properties of shape
Position & Direction


Negative numbers Converting units of measurement

Year 6

Place value
Addition – Subtraction
Multiplication- Division


Converting units of measurement






Area, Perimeter & Volume

Properties of shapes

Properties of shapes

Position & Direction

Consolidation & themed projects

Consolidation & themed projects


Each strand is broken down into key topics which are then separated into a sequence of learning objectives which each class moves through at the correct pace for the pupils.




 Moving from EYFS to KS1:

Our learning journey starts in the Early Years where children are exposed to maths throughout all of their daily activities. Opportunities to practise and embed mathematical skills are found throughout the areas of provision. Pupils are taught to subitise and describe the patterns that can be seen within arrangements of objects. They have a deep understanding of the composition of numbers up to 10.  Whilst allowing pupils to work successfully towards the Development Matters statements and Early Learning Goals, the mathematical concepts taught in the EYFS provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and enquiry for children to transition successfully onto Key stage 1.


Moving on to KS3:

After exposure to our Maths curriculum, pupils will leave school equipped with a range of skills and knowledge to enable them to study Maths with confidence at Key stage 3.  We hope to shape children into curious and inspired scientists with respect and appreciation for the world around them alongside an understanding of the importance of Maths in their day to day lives. We make links with our local secondary schools asking teachers to come in and provide Maths opportunities for our pupils.


Enrichment Opportunities:


Pupils at Primley Wood take part in several extra-curricular opportunities. Enterprise Day, World Book Day (Maths in stories, poems and non fiction), Whole School Maths Week (January) and National Numeracy Day. Children are encouraged to see maths as wider than the classroom, and to investigate its presence in the world around them.

We also offer a range of sports and board games providing pupils with the opportunity to learn the strategies of different games, how to use critical thinking to get ahead and to choose moves to ensure success. These operate during lunchtimes and after school.




Pupils will know more, remember more and understand more about the curriculum. Pupils retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.


Pupils understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts. Pupils know that maths is a vital life skill that they will rely on in many areas of their daily life. Pupils have a positive view of maths due to learning in an environment where maths is promoted as being an exciting and enjoyable subject in which they can investigate and ask questions; they know that it is reasonable to make mistakes because this can strengthen their learning through the journey to finding an answer.


Formative assessment is an integral part of our approach to Teaching and Learning. Over the course of their study, we will use weekly cumulative formative diagnostic assessments to ensure that pupils are consistently retrieving their knowledge of different components. The purpose of this is to ensure all knowledge is retained (and any gaps are identified and addressed promptly) and to inform teachers’ planning. Using this style of assessment, we will make use of the advantages of spaced practice as well as allowing pupils to be able to apply their knowledge to a wide variety of contexts.


Pupils will also sit a summative assessment every full term. This assessment will be cumulative and will assess not only what the pupils have learned over the previous term, but also their understanding of all relevant material previously taught. Staff are supported to mark these accurately and post-assessment moderation also takes place to ensure the validity of the data.


Pupils are confident to ‘have a go’ and choose the equipment they need to help them to learn along with the strategies they think are best suited to each problem. Our pupils have a good understanding of their strengths and targets for development in mathematics and what they need to do to improve. Our books evidence work of a high standard of which pupils clearly take pride; the components of the teaching sequences demonstrate good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our feedback and interventions support pupils to strive to be the best mathematicians they can be, ensuring a high proportion of pupils are achieving above national average outcomes at the end of each phase.

Member of Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust

Owlcoates MAT